Don't Worry Be Happy ...
Expectant mothers come across many worries during their
pregnancy. They hear horror stories from friends and families,
doctors, literature and the media. Everything from c-sections to
injections to miscarriage to birth problems, episiotomies, extreme
pain, breech position, forceps etc.
One thing to keep in mind is every birth is unique just as every
baby is unique. There is no "due date". Your baby will come when
he/she is ready so don't worry at all if your baby is past it's
EDD... your baby may need extra development time or may just
not feel ready to emerge. The important thing to remember is to
allow him/her the time, don't intefere with his/her birth out of fear
or misinformation. If your membranes rupture, a hospital will want
to have you induced at a maximum of 24 hours after. A Dutch
study has shown this is not necessary after not inducing many
women. Labour always came on naturally anywhere up to around
5 days. This happened to me, I was a little concerned but gave
birth 5 days after my waters broke. I am so glad I waited! I think
it's necessary to be patient throughout pregnancy and birth.
The other important logic that many of us overlook is 'trust'.
When you have concerns or your family has concerns, simply
remember that you are competent and your body is competent
and your baby is competent. You don't need assitance during
pregnancy, your body was born with the ability to grow a baby
without the need for high tech equipment. This trust extends to
labour and birth, trust that your body is on the right track. After
all, it is an automatic reflex.
Fear is one thing to avoid during pregnancy, it can inhibit your
desired natural birth as your body will tense up. Relax! Don't take
magazine articles, television drama shows, doctor's opinions etc.
to heart. Fear is not good for you or your child. "Fear is the mind
Fear generally stems from a lack of knowledge or understanding,
a great way to conquor fear is to educate yourself. Do your
research, read some books (lots of books), search on the
internet, talk to other people but at the end of the day draw your
own conclusions. Once you have informed yourself, the fear will
naturally fade and you will be on the way to a happy, healthy,
relaxed and natural birth!