One Thing We Forget toWrite Into Our Birth Plan...
When writing a birth plan, we generally include who we want to be in
the room/home, whether we want drugs or not (if on a hospital),
whether we want an episiotomy or not, whether we want fetal
monitoring, whether we want a birthing pool, what position we may
want to give birth in and so on, whether (if at a hospital) we want to
have our husband's "rooming-in", whether we want our child handed
immediately to us, whether we want it weighed and measured,
whether we want blood test, vaccinations or vitamin K injections and
so on.
One thing we don't consider that perhaps we should is legal
representation. Not just any old advocate, a real advocate. In the
case of an "emergency" (whether it is or is not really an emergency),
hospitals tend to go almost insane with unnecessary tests, invasions
and procedures. They tend to give treatment before diagnosis "just in
case" which can cause a whole range of problems for your newborn.
Even when you do not consent (verbally or in writing) the doctor is
extremely likely to go ahead with what *they* deem necessary.
For example, let's say you're newborn has a *very slim* chance of
having an infection, your doctor may administer antibiotics just in case
while he conducts blood tests. He may do this without your
Another true example is where your doctor wants to conduct an
ultrasound or x-ray on your child for no reputable reason, you say "no"
and he does it anyway. These are just some examples of the kind of
treatment that people get.
So, it may be a good idea to have legal representation at this time
since what was a small situation can go out of control in a very short
time. If you brief a legal representative before your birth on what your
desires are and tell them that you may need their assistance, you rule
out the possibility of doctors performing procedures without your
Today in the news, there was yet another example: