from Abbott Laboratories
I have attached a response I received from Abbott Labratories regarding their policy on genetically modified ingredients in their products. They have said that they comply with "UK Regulations" but, unfortunately, the US does not have any labelling requirements. Because of the UK labelling laws, more and more companies are withdrawing GM from their products but in the US, the number of products containing GM is on the rise. Many manufacturers are removing GM from their products in the UK because of the labelling laws... it appears this is what Abbott has done.
In the second paragraph, they say they have changed their source of protein (in the UK, not in the US) to a non genetically modified source. This does not mean that the specific batch numbers that they list do not contain *any* GM... this simply means their *soy protein* is not GM. Also note that this non GM supplier does not cover all of their range of products.
They go on to give a list of products that have never contained GM soy but this, again, only refers to the UK. I do not know why they only talk about their British side of things but I will be responding and asking for their US policies also... I suspect their British policies will be very different from their US policies in that there will be more GM in their US produce.
In conclusion, Abbott Laboratories appear in support of genetic engineering and have no commitment to the assurance of the safety of their products or they wouldn't be selling baby food containing untested, harmful and environmentally unfriendly ingredients in their formula. They have included dangerous materials in their products that young children are going to be consuming which is obviously irresponsible.
In short, please avoid Abbott Laboratories products and any other manufacturers products who haven't made a strong stance regarding GM in their produce. This technology has not been tested satisfactorarily for both short and long term effects so, unfortunately, instead of testing in a laboratory, the tests are being carried out on the public. Don't be a labrat... eat organic!
Re: The use of soya in Ross Products
All of Ross Products tube and sip feeds are formulated to ensure that they comply with UK food regulations. They are also subjected to patient evaluation on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to meet patients needs. All of our products that contain genetically modified soya have been clearly labelled since the middle of 1998 to comply with current legal requirements.
We recognise that many people have concerns about the issue of genetic modification, and we wish to maintain your satisfaction with our products and services. We have therefore changed the source of soya protein in our sip and tube feed range to an identity preserved soya protein (i.e. not genetically modified).
Manufacture of
products using the non genetically modified soya protein started during
March 1999, and the change-over is now complete for our sip and tube feeds.
Currently there are no plans to change the soya protein source in Advera,
AlitraQ or Introlite. It should be noted that the following feeds have
never contained genetically modified soya protein:
Enlive, Fomance,
Nepro, Osmolite Plus, Perative, Pulmocare, Suplena and Two Cal HN. (* Please
note that these have never contained GM soy in the UK)
I have attached a table which details the first product batch numbers containing non genetically modified soya protein for your information.
A recent MORI survey demonstrated that Ross Products have the highest customer satisfaction ratings across our range of products and services. We wish to maintain this reputation with our customers. It is therefore important to us that when an issue such as genetic modification is raised we consider all the relevant information and act upon it.
I hope that you feel this response satisfactorily meets your needs. I would like to assure you that our products have always been and will continue to be safe to consume and meet the highest regulatory requirements. We continue to be committed to the needs of our customers.
If you require
any further information, please ring the Nutritional Services Helpline
0800 252882.
Yours sincerely
D Campbell
Dalia Campbell
Nutritional Services
Ross Products
Division - Abbott Laboratories Ltd.
E-Mail: Dalhia.Campbell@ln.ssw.abbott.com
First Batch Numbers of Tube & Sip Feeds containing non genetically modified soya protein
These batch numbers and any subsequent batch numbers contain non genetically modified soya protein e.g. Ensure Plus chocolate 52352NR, 52353NR ...52368NR etc.
Product Presentation Batch Number
Ensure powder 400g
tin Awaiting release date -
labelled GM soya
Enrich 250ml can
Enrich - chocolate
250ml can 58573NR
Ensure - vanilla
250ml can 53640NR
Ensure - nut 250ml
can 57520NR
Ensure - chocolate
250ml can 52352NR
Ensure - coffee
250ml can 53650NR
Ensure eggnog
250ml can 54710NR
Ensure - chicken
250ml can 53642NR
Ensure - mushroom
250ml can 52617NR
Ensure - asparagus
250ml can 52609NR
Ensure Plus -
chocolate 200 ml tetra 52352NR
Ensure Plus -
strawberry 200 ml tetra 52335NR
Ensure Plus -
coffee 200 ml tetra 53367NR
Ensure Plus -
caramel 200 ml tetra 53364NR
Ensure Plus -
vanilla 200 ml tetra 52332NR
Ensure Plus -
raspberry 200 ml tetra 52348NR
Ensure Plus -
banana 200 ml tetra 53353NR
Ensure Plus -
orange 200 ml tetra 53369NR
Ensure Plus -
fruits forest 200 ml tetra 53357NR
Ensure Plus -
blackcurrant 200 ml tetra 52331NR
Ensure Plus -
peach 200 ml tetra 54393NR
Ensure Plus -
neutral 200 ml tetra 54404NR
Ensure Plus 250ml
can 53639NR
Ensure Plus 500ml
RTH 52628NR
Ensure Plus 1000ml
RTH 53315RN01
Ensure Plus 1500ml
RTH 53315Z90
Isomil 400g tin
Jevity 500ml RTH
Jevity 1000ml
RTH 53292RN01
Jevity 1500ml
RTH 53303Z90
Jevity Plus 500ml
RTH 52635NR
Jevity Plus 1000ml
RTH 55624RN
Jevity Plus 1500ml
RTH 53294Z90
Osmolite 250ml
can 53638NR
Osmolite 500ml
RTH 52624NR
Osmolite 1000ml
RTH 53227RN0
Osmolite 1500ml
RTH 54419Z9
Paediasure with
fibre 250ml can 54709NR
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